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Wailer 112RP Buzz

About 10 turns into my first run on the new Wailer 112RP I knew it was going to be a hit.  The versatility is unparalleled.  I've always maintained a quiver of skis and never imagined a single ski could be this versatile.  

Stephan Drake on the Wailer 112RP

The buzz around this ski has been crazy.  Because we don't begin full production of next year's skis until ski season ends we currently have a very limited number of skis to test and demo out - so few that there are frequently fights among the internal team about who gets to use the RPs next!

Even with limited exposure the Wailer 112RP has been getting rave reviews.  A couple of weeks ago I ran a demo at Alta during an epic storm cycle. The RPs never even touched the demo rack.  Every time a tester brought them back someone was waiting in line to take them out.  On three different occasions someone waited 30+ minutes to ensure they would be next in line to test it.  It made my job a lot easier as I never had to talk about the skis.  The tester returning it would say things like "this ski is life changing!" and everyone in the tent would be clamoring to try it.

It really says something about a ski when powder enthusiasts are waiting 30 minutes to try it on a day when they would normally be skipping lunch.

Ladies Wailer 112RP

There have been several instances of testers taking the ski out for a couple of runs and calling us to place an order in under 24 hours.  One of our favorite area reps has called me at least 3 times specifically to tell me how much he loves the Wailer 112RP. And he only skied it one day.

It might be easy to ignore me as a DPS blogger but I'm honestly not aware of a negative review of this ski anywhere.  In case you're tired of hearing me go on and on you can check out a number of independent reviews posted online. There is also a good review in Ben Ford's Rider's Weekend post.

We've already presold an astonishing number of RPs in all sizes and in both constructions.  The word from the few independent reviews has been very positive and the excitement travels fast.  We're doing all we can to ramp up production (RPs are being pressed as I type this!) but there is always a concern that a ski this popular will sell out.  The only way to guarantee you'll have a pair on your feet is to preorder a pair before June 7.  You can either preorder through or have your favorite retailer place the preorder for you.

For good measure here are a few more quotes we've received in reference to the Wailer 112RP:

"Clearly these slay pow, but getting back to the lift is just as fun. Railing high speed slalom turns is as easy as laying them on edge. Making turns of differing radius is a breeze."

"I haven't been this stoked on a ski in quite a while. Next year's quiver may consist of a 112 Pure with Dukes and a 112 Hybrid with Jesters. I honestly feel that the versatility of them doesn't warrant a smaller ski for other days."

"I finally got on the 112RPs this morning in 20+" of fresh Utah powder.  They are a masterpiece.  I felt more confident on them than any ski I have ever skied."

One preorder customer simply included in his order comments: "you complete me."